Coanda screens are a great fit for remote locations – there are no moving parts and the gravity drop of the water keeps the screens clean. Although the end product is quite simple and requires very little maintenance, the design of these systems is far from simple.
Elgin’s team of engineers has simplified this design process by establishing standard profiles, micro hydro packages, and some simple spillway designs to guide your team.
The faster the water, the better the screen performs. This approach plate accelerates the water to the screen surface using the Coanda effect. An approach plate with a high incline and deep drop gives you the best result. But higher inclines also have a higher chance of jumping the screen during high flow events, and deep drops on the Coanda screen are not optimal for overall site head loss (power generation or pressure flow). Our team has balanced these variables in our standard Coanda screen profiles.

After water is accelerated over the approach plate, the bottom layer is “cut” by the screen wire to provide clean water to the collection chamber under the screen. This cutting action is what makes Coanda screens such an efficient use of space compared to a conventional intake that uses suction or head pressure. The slot opening and the tilt of the wedge wire drive out the size of the cut of water. There is a balancing act on how much water you are pulling vs. the self-cleaning properties, and our engineering team has tackled this problem for most sites in our standard Coanda screen profiles. Each site is unique, so our team is also ready to provide a custom solution when needed to achieve optimal efficiency.