CSI-D4 Cyclone Pro™ Turn-Key Cuttings Waste Management System

CSI-D4 Cyclone Pro™ System Overview
Elgin’s CSI Cyclone™ Fully-Integrated, Turn-Key Vertical Cuttings Dryer (“VCD”) Packaged System is the industry’s most sophisticated waste solids management system available.
This system has been designed to reduce drill cuttings and waste solids moisture by 90%. This allows operators to recover thousands of gallons of drilling fluid and/or water, that would normally have been disposed of, with the waste cuttings.
Capable of processing oil-based and water-based waste cuttings without the need for a conversion kit. The perfect solution for clay-based drill cuttings.
CSI-D4 Cyclone Pro™ System Features
- Designed to reduce waste cuttings moisture on waste solids by 90%.
- Recover thousands of gallons of fluid and water, that would normally have been disposed of, with the waste cuttings.
- Dewatered waste solids dramatically reduce, waste disposal trucking fees.
- Proprietary HMI Touch-Screen Control Panel.
- CSI-D4 Cyclone Pro™ Patented Vertical Cuttings Dryer
Centrate Collection Tank with Mud Gun Agitation, High/Low Level Sensors, and Exterior level Gauge.
CSI Cyclone™ Turn-Key System Resources
- CSI Cyclone™ VCD System Brochure
- CSI Cyclone™ VCD Product Line Brochure
- CSI Cyclone™ VCD Product Presentation
- CSI-D4™ Deployment Case Study
- VCD Screen and Flite Selection Guide
- VCD Safety Hazards White Paper
- VCD Aplication in Solids Control Program
- CSI-D4 Cyclone Pro™ Turn-Key System Video
- Request A Quote
Elgin's OEM Vertical Cuttings Dryer Screens Provide Optimum Performance and Long-Life