CMI Vertical Vibratory Centrifuge

The VC Centrifuge uses vibratory dewatering technology and centrifugal force to provide reliable dewatering of coarse particle applications. A large feed hopper eliminates the need for a feed chute, and a catch in the center increases part life. The VC features an accelerating wear plate which allows for even screen wear. The drive assembly consists of the main working parts en-closed in a steel cast housing which can then be removed as a single unit for easy replacement or repair.
Larger Feed Hopper
Large opening eliminates the need for a feed chute; a catch in the center increases part life.
Continuous Lubrication
Direct drive gear pump circulates oil to all internal bearings. Pressure cut-off switch detects any oil pump failure.
Vibratory Shaft Housing
The drive assembly consists of the main working parts enclosed in a steel cast housing. This complete assembly may be removed as a single unit.